
Contact Us

Address & Phone Number

Westminster School
995 Hopmeadow Street
Simsbury CT 06070-1880
  电话:(860)408 3000
FAX: (860) 408 3001


List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Elaine White

    Elaine White 

    Head of School
    (860) 408-3012
  • Photo of Jessica Keough

    Jessica Keough 

    (860) 408-3748
  • Photo of Kerry Masiero

    Kerry Masiero 

    (860) 408-3012

Advancement Office

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Newell Grant

    Newell Grant Jr. 99

    Director of Advancement
    (860) 408-3058
  • Shannon O'Shaughnessy的照片

    Shannon O'Shaughnessy 

    (860) 408-3057

Form Deans

List of 4 members.

  • Photo of Paul Kendall

    Paul Kendall 

    Third Form Dean
    (860) 408-3750
  • Photo of Ryan Curtis

    Ryan Curtis 

    Fourth Form Dean
    (860) 408-3725
  • Photo of Kelly Wosleger

    Kelly Wosleger 

    365平台地平线学院五年级院长,项目总监 & Hartford Partnerships
    (860) 408-3731
  • Photo of Julia Smith

    Julia Smith 

    Sixth Form Dean
    (860) 408-3738

Academic Office

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Betsy Heckman

    Betsy Heckman 

    Academic Dean
    (860) 408-3746

Athletics Office

List of 1 members.

  • 蒂莫西·琼卡斯摄

    Timothy Joncas 00

    Director of Athletics
    (860) 408-3066

Health Center

List of 1 members.

  • Michael Isakoff的照片

    Michael Isakoff MD 

    Medical Director
    (860) 408-3080

Admissions Office

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Miles Bailey

    Miles Bailey 94

    Dean of Admissions
    (860) 408-3015

Business Office

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Julie Collins

    Julie Collins 

    Chief Financial Officer
    (860) 408-3030

Marketing & Communications

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Jeff Kennard

    Jeff Kennard 

    Director of Marketing & Communications
    (860) 408-3095

College Counseling

List of 1 members.

  • 格雷戈里·威廉姆斯摄

    Gregory Williams 

    (860) 408-3070

Technology Office

List of 1 members.

  • Photo of Audra Harris

    Audra Harris 

    (860) 408-3046

Contact Us

995 Hopmeadow Street

P. (860) 408-3000
F. (860) 408 3001
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